Network TAPs Passive Fiber
Network TAPs provide 100% network visibility by making a complete copy of your live network for access and monitoring. Available in 1G/10G multi-mode or 1G/10G/40G/100G single-mode fiber.
-Portables & 1U Rack Mounts: 1G/10G/40G/100G Fiber TAPs | 40G-SR4 or 100G-SR10 MTP® Fiber TAPs | 40G-SR-BiDirectional TAPs (Supports Cisco)
-1U High Density: 1G/10G/40G/100G Fiber TAPs
Network TAP Copper
Network TAPs provide 100% network visibility by making a complete copy of your live network for access and monitoring. Available in 10/100M and 10/100/1000M copper.
-Portables & 1U Rack Mounts: 10M/100M Copper TAPs
-1U or 2U Chassis Systems: 1G Copper TAPs
Network TAPs Aggregating and regeneration/SPAN
TAPs provide a simple way to capture 100% full duplex network traffic; the traffic can then be sent to multiple monitoring appliances. Aggregating and regeneration TAPs support breakout mode and are available in copper 10/100/1000/1G and fiber 1G and 10G, single or multi-mode.
-Portables & 1U Rack Mounts:
10/100/1000M Copper TAPs | 100/1000M Copper Universal TAPs | 1G Fiber TAPs
-1U or 2U 1G Modular Packet Broker Systems:
1G Port-to-Port Aggregator with Filtering
[Network TAPs
Bypass network TAPs connects your active, inline security appliances to your network and monitors the appliances’ health. A bypass TAP supports breakout, aggregation, regeneration/SPAN and bypass modes, allowing you to optimize the life cycle of your appliance. Bypass TAPs are available in copper: 100/1000M and fiber: 1G and 10G.
A Hybrid Bypass Network TAPs
1U box solution to manage the edge of your network by connecting multiple in-band security and out-of-band monitoring appliances.
-1U or 2U 1G Modular Packet Broker Systems: 1G Port-to-Port Aggregator with Filtering
-EdgeLens® In-line Security Packet Broker System:
(1) 1G/10G TAP w/ 10 SFP/SFP+ ports – or – (4) 1G/10G TAPs w/ 16 SFP/SFP+ ports
-FAB: Filtering, Aggregating and Load Balancing System:
Any-to-Any configuration 1G, 10G or 40G; all ports can be configurated as input or monitorinThe most efficient network infrastructure is one that allows traffic to flow seamlessly from end to end and allows for 100% visibility and access where and when you need it.